D Law Office / D Law Partners was established by the specialized attorney Mr. Sinan Demircioğlu in Istanbul , Turkey in 2003 .
D Law Office provides specialized legal services in six main legal subjects with an ultimate experience and expertise. Our principle is to provide an optimum support to our clients on following subjects that we are highly specialized in.
1- Brand, Patent, Utility Models and Industrial Designs
2- Capital Consulting Company and Mercantile Law
3- Real Estate Litigations
4- Bankruptcy Law
5- Tax Disputes & Tax Cases
6- Chartered Accountant Services & Independent External Audit Services
Our office serves with successful and dedicated 5 in-house Attorney, one Chartered Accountant and one intern lawyer. Our client base is made of many local Turkish corporations and International corporations. We highly believe safety and assurance is vital on legal services, therefore, our operations are insured by Anadolu Insurance A.Ş. and for any occupational risk, insured by Denizbank AŞ.
You can find more details and information about our office and our services. “Our Areas of Expertise” . You can contact us with your inquiries and will be glad to assist you. “Contact ”
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